Results for 'Earnest E. Bayles'

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  1.  40
    Reflective thinking: The method of Education.Earnest E. Bayles - 1961 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 2 (1):15-24.
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    Hart's Legal Philosophy: An Examination.M. E. Bayles & Michael D. Bayles - 1992 - Springer Verlag.
    This work presents, interprets, and largely defends the legal philosophy of H.L.A. Hart, except for his account of causation. Hart is considered by many persons to be the most important English writer on jurisprudence in the 20th century. The book considers his general theory of law, his theory of rights and of the enforcement of morality, and his analysis of the conditions of legal resposibility and the justification of punishment.
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    Justice, Rights, and Tort Law.M. E. Bayles & Bruce Chapman - 1983 - Springer Verlag.
    The essays in this volume are the result of a project on Values in Tort Law directed by the Westminster Institute for Ethics and Human Values. We are indebted to the Board of Westminster Col lege for its financial support. The project involved two meetings of a mixed group of lawyers and philosophers to discuss drafts of papers and general issues in tort law. Beyond the principal researchers, whose papers appear here, we are grateful to John Bargo, Dick Bronaugh, Craig (...)
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    Received by 1 November 1989.David Applebaum, Sarah Verone Lawton, Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum, Miehael D. Bayles, Kenneth Henley, N. J. Hillsdale, Lawrenee Erlbaum Associ, N. J. HilIsdale & Lawrenee Erlbaum Assoei - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (4).
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    Democratic educational theory.Ernest E. Bayles - 1960 - New York,: Harper.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Growth of American Educational Thought and Practice.Ernest E. Bayles & Bruce L. Hood - 1966 - Harper & Row.
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    Growth of American Educational Thought and Practice.W. R. Niblett, Ernest E. Bayles & Bruce L. Hood - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (1):90.
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    Pragmatism in EducationIdealism in EducationExistentialism in Education.L. R. Perry, E. E. Bayles, J. D. Butler & V. C. Morris - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (1):77.
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    Pensées diverses sur la comète: édition critique avec une introduction et des notes.Pierre Bayle - 1911 - Paris: E. Cornély et cie.. Edited by A. Prat.
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    Épicurisme et augustinisme dans la pensée de Pierre Bayle: une affinité paradoxale.Élodie Argaud - 2019 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
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  11. Pensieri sulla Cometa e Dizionario storico e critico.Pierre Bayle & Gian Piero Brega - 1972 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 162:321-321.
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    Introduction à l'étude de la philosophie.Xavier Torau-Bayle - 1919 - Paris,: E. Chiron.
    Avant-propos.--Philosophie allemande.--Philosophie française.--Philosophie anglaise.--Philosophie américaine.--Valeur des écoles.
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    Vico e Bayle: premesse per un confronto.Gianfranco Cantelli - 1971 - Napoli: Guida editori.
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  14. Spinoza ve Ethica Üzerine.Pierre Bayle - 2022 - ViraVerita E-Journal: Interdisciplinary Encounters 16 (2):212-224.
    Pierre Bayle’ın Tarihsel ve Eleştirel Sözlük adlı eserindeki “Spinoza” maddesi, Spinoza felsefesinin temel meselelerine dair genel bir bakış sunar. Söz konusu maddenin burada çevirisi sunduğumuz “N Çıkması”nda ise Bayle, özellikle Spinoza’nın Ethica adlı eserine odaklanarak kip, değişiklik, töz ve Tanrı gibi Spinoza metafiziğinin temel kavramlarına yönelik eleştiriler getirir.
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    Hume On Blame And Excuse.Michael D. Bayles - 1976 - Hume Studies 2 (April):17-33.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HUME ON BLAME AND EXCUSE17. Hume's account of blame and excuse differs in fundamental respects from many contemporary ones. Many contemporary views, ultimately derived from the Kantian dictum that 'ought' implies 'can', base excuses on the nonvoluntary character of an action. For example, H. L. A. Hart argues that the basic requirements for responsibility are that a person have the capacity and a fair opportunity to do what is (...)
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    Ideals and the Concept of Morality.Michael D. Bayles - 1976 - Idealistic Studies 6 (1):62-68.
    In “Ideals and the Concept of Morality,” John T. Granrose criticizes R. M. Hare’s theory of morals for not providing good and sufficient reasons for rejecting the ideals of fanatics, e.g., Nazis and other racists. He then attempts to do what Hare admittedly failed to do by developing an argument based on a material or social concept of morality. Granrose claims that his argument “wins by default! In the absence of a rational counterargument by the fanatic, the issue is settled”. (...)
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  17.  42
    Reproductive Ethics. [REVIEW]C. Keith Boone, R. Snowden, G. D. Mitchell, E. M. Snowden, Robert H. Blank & Michael D. Bayles - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (4):46.
    Book reviewed in this article: Artificial Reproduction: A Social Investigation. By R. Snowden, G.D. Mitchell, and E. M. Snowden. Redefining Human Life: Reproductive Technologies and Social Policy. By Robert H. Blank. Reproductive Ethics. By Michael D. Bayles.
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  18. Pierre Bayle: Tome II—Hétérodoxie et Rigorisme.E. Labrousse - 1964
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    Received by 25 January, 1989.Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum, EIsie L. Bandman, Bertram Bandman Criti, Miehael D. Bayles & Kenneth Henley - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (1):103.
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    Earnest Enquirers After Truth (Routledge Revivals): A Gifford Anthology: Excerpts From Gifford Lectures 1888-1968.Bernard E. Jones - 1970 - Routledge.
    First published in 1970, Bernard E. Jones’s selection of Gifford lectures includes excerpts from the writings of over ninety scholars who occupied a Gifford Chair between 1888 and 1968. Lord Gifford had asked his lecturers to be ‘honest to God’, insisting that they should be ‘earnest enquirers after truth’ and had always envisaged the lectures being published. Dr Jones’s anthology is arranged under headings suggested by phrases from Lord Gifford’s will. The selection, which includes names such as William James, (...)
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  21. Reply to Ernest E. Bayles.Philip G. Smith - 1961 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 2 (1):21.
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  22. (2 other versions)Pierre Bayle. [REVIEW]G. E. G. E. - 1954 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8:446.
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    The Wage of Sin is Orthodoxy: The "Confessions" of Saint Augustine in Bayle's "Dictionnaire".Ruth E. Whelan - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (2):195.
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  24. G. Mori, "Tra Descartes e Bayle. Poiret e la teodicea". [REVIEW]Marialuisa Baldi - 1992 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 47 (4):794.
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  25. Pierre Bayle: Du Pays de Foix à la Cité d'Erasme. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):306-306.
    This biography of Bayle corrects and supplements the famous biography by Desmaizeux with its mode adequate documentation and more thorough knowledge of Bayle's correspondence and social environments. Labrousse has combed Bayle's writings for tiny details and semi-confessional passages in order to animate somewhat the cold, impersonal image previously given of Bayle.--C. E. B.
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  26. Scepticism and Religious Belief: Pascal, Bayle, Hume.E. James - 1979 - In Classical Influences on Western Thought.
  27. Première partie. Arts. Les enjeux logiques de l'écriture musicale / F. Nicolas ; De l'écoute-lecture à l'écoute-écriture, ou, la main-oreille dans tous ses états / F. Bayle ; Chorégraphie et Cinétographie. [REVIEW] E. Barbin - 2013 - In François Nicolas & Aurélien Tonneau (eds.), Les mutations de l'écriture. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.
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    Elisabeth Labrousse, "Pierre Bayle, Tome I: Du Pays de Foix à la cité d'Erasme". [REVIEW]Walter E. Rex - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):111.
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    Bayle.Walter E. Rex - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (2):269-270.
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  30. Maximizing the Benefits of Participatory Design for Human–Robot Interaction Research With Older Adults.Wendy A. Rogers, Travis Kadylak & Megan A. Bayles - 2021 - Human Factors 64 (3):441–450.
    Objective We reviewed human–robot interaction (HRI) participatory design (PD) research with older adults. The goal was to identify methods used, determine their value for design of robots with older adults, and provide guidance for best practices. Background Assistive robots may promote aging-in-place and quality of life for older adults. However, the robots must be designed to meet older adults’ specific needs and preferences. PD and other user-centered methods may be used to engage older adults in the robot development process to (...)
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  31. Discorrendo della diffusione europea delle idee di Bayle. [REVIEW]G. E. G. E. - 1959 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 13:571.
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    Études sur Pierre Bayle.Antony McKenna - 2015 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    Le statut de Pierre Bayle dans l'histoire des idées philosophiques et religieuses de l'époque classique a changé du tout au tout. D'observateur, il est devenu, dans l'historiographie actuelle, un acteur majeur dans les débats philosophiques, religieux et politiques de son époque, dont les écrits nourriront la réflexion des philosophes clandestins qui fondent les Lumières radicales. Ce volume d'études contribue à cette nouvelle interprétation du statut et de la portée du rationalisme de Bayle.
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    Schleiermacher as 'catholic': A charge in the rhetoric of modern theology.John E. Thiel - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (1):61–82.
    Books reviewed in this article: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination: Texts Under Negotiation. By Walter Brueggemann. In the Throe of Wonder: Intimations of the Sacred in a Post‐Modern World. By Jerome A. Miller. Interpreting Hebrew Poetry. By David L. Petersen and Kent Harold Richards. Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume I: Aαρωυ‐Eυωχ. Edited by Horst Balz and Gerhard Schneiders. The Secretary in the Letters of Paul. By E. Randolph Richards. Revelation. By Wilfrid J. Harrington. Conversion to Christianity: Historical and (...)
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  34. Review of Richard Popkin, The History of Scepticism from Savonarola to Bayle (OUP, 2003). [REVIEW]Diego E. Machuca - 2005 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 112 (1):192.
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    Berkeley's Impact on Scottish Philosophers.G. E. Davie - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (153):222 - 234.
    In 1728, when the sixteen-year-old Hume, still apparently ‘at college’, was beginning, all unknown to his family, to turn his attention to philosophy, Edinburgh and Glasgow were swarming with earnest metaphysicians, many of them not much older than Hume himself. ‘It is well known’, the Ochtertyre papers relate, ‘that between the years 1723 and 1740 nothing was in more request with the Edinburgh literati, both laical and clerical, than metaphysical disquisitions’, and Locke, Clarke, Butler and Berkeley are mentioned as (...)
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    Sacred Nature: The Environmental Potential of Religious Naturalism by Jerome Stone.David E. Conner - 2018 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 39 (2):68-70.
    In Sacred Nature Jerome Stone gives us an informative, earnest introduction to religious naturalism with a focus on its relevance for environmentalism. Environmentalism today often dwells upon warnings about the dire consequences if certain prescribed actions are not taken. Stone takes a different tack. He quotes Aldo Leopold: “Prudence never kindled a fire in the human mind; I have no hope for a conservation born of fear.” Stone’s approach—an engaging one, in my view—is to connect environmentalism with the hope (...)
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  37. Pierre Bayle e l'Italia.A. Gatti - 1998 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 18 (1):118-125.
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    Pierre Bayle e l"Italia.Lorenzo Bianchi (ed.) - 1996 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Bayle, Leibniz e la storia.Antonio Corsano - 1971 - Napoli,: Guida.
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    Pierre Bayle E il medioevo.Gregorio Piaia - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (3):457-466.
    No Dictionnaire historique et critique, Bayle compôs mais de cem verbetes sobre a Idade Média. A época é vista com os olhos calvinistas do autor, que se baseia mais na literatura histórica e polêmica que nas fontes medievais. Em diversos verbetes, 0 texto é mais romanesco que cientifico, e, em alguns casos, a fonte não declarada de referência são obras de escolásticos posteriores.
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    Pierre Bayle e a reflexão sobre a imagem do ateu virtuoso na modernidade.Marcelo de Sant’Anna Alves Primo - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):337-353.
    Circunscrevendo o âmbito no qual o ateísmo pode ser compreendido, a saber, na esfera dos costumes, convenções religiosas, políticas e teológicas, e até mesmo no campo dos temperamentos e caracteres, desde os Pensées diverses sur la comète até a Continuation des Pensées sur la comète e a Réponse aux quéstions d’un Provincial Bayle erige, fundamenta e radicaliza o vínculo entre ateísmo e virtude, entendendo aqui ateísmo sob um enfoque de caráter prático, ou seja, em relação à atitude daqueles que vivem (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Étude sur Bayle.Charles Félix Lenient - 1885 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
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    Pierre Bayle: "coscienza errante" e tolleranza religiosa.Arturo Deregibus - 1990 - L'Aquila: Japadre.
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  44. Hume, Bayle e i Dialogues concerning Natural Religion.Gianni Paganini - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (2):234-263.
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    Leopardi e il metodo di Bayle.Mario Rigoni - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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  46. Pirronismo e antitradizionalimo nell acribia storica di Pierre Bayle.Gianni M. Pozzo - 1990 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 19 (3):283-306.
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    The History of Philosophy: The Seventeenth Century. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):536-536.
    This is a translation of the fourth of the original seven fascicles of Bréhier's standard Histoire de la philosophie. The three prior fascicles have already appeared from the University of Chicago Press. The virtues of Bréhier's history are its extraordinary readability and unpretentious scholarship. The philosophers covered in depth by Bréhier are Bacon, Descartes, Pascal, Hobbes, Spinoza, Malebranche, Leibniz, and Locke, with lighter treatment being given to the Cambridge Platonists, Bayle, and Fontenelle. The bibliographies are neatly accessible at the end (...)
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  48.  49
    Bayle e os impasses da razão.Plínio Junqueira Smith - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (120):377-390.
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    In Defence of Kemp Smith.F. E. Sparshott - 1975 - Hume Studies 1 (2):66-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:66 IN DEFENCE OF KEMP SMITH D. C. Stove argues against Kemp Smith's contention that Hume's philosophy "was intended not to subvert but to endorse our natural beliefs" in general, and our belief in the Causal Principle in particular. His arguments are insufficient. Kemp Smith does not need to deny that the falsity of the Causal Principle is believed by Hume to be possible in the strongest of Stove's (...)
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  50. " E contro la pratica de'Governi di Baile, che vorrebbe senza Religioni poter reggere le Nazioni": note su Bayle nella corrispondenza di Vico.Lorenzo Blanchi - 2000 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 30:17-30.
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